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Bluebeam training, sales and support: To schedule "Over the Web" or "At Your Facilities" training (call or link to email me your contact info and Bluebeam Training as the choice.VIEWPOINT VISTA
Viewpoint Vista: Rock Solid Construction ERP to transform your firm into the real-time, mobile, paperless worldHBS CONSULTING
Consulting Services: We'll help you find the tech solution to any problem: Mobile apps, photo management, tool tracking, rentals, time collection, etc.CREATE | COMMENT | COLLABORATE | ORGANIZE
Bluebeam Software makes smart, simple solutions for paperless workflows that leverage the PDF format. It all started way back in 1997, when Bluebeam developed CAD to PDF creation technology for aerospace engineers. Now Bluebeam's award-winning PDF creation, markup and editing solutions are used by the world's top architecture, engineering and construction firms, as well as government agencies.
Read our latest Blog Post on Bluebeam Revu 20 and the Quirks of Hexagon text boxes with leader lines