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Default Markup Layer in Bluebeam Revu

Default Markups layer is assigned

I’ve seen layers used for many things in Bluebeam Revu: Revision notes by user, take-off by discipline, punch by discipline, etc.  Often the markups are placed then you assign them to layers after the fact. I blogged about this previously in Estimating and Layers. There’s another way to assign the layer that’s quick and easy before you start.

Setting a default markup layer

Open the Layers Tab (either thru Tab Access or using the shortcut ALT+Y) and hover over the layer you want your markups to be applied to.

Right Click on the Layer of your choice and choose Markup Layer
Assigning a default Markup Layer in Bluebeam Revu
You will get a dialogue box prompt confirming the layer you just assigned.

You can click OK or if you don’t want to see this prompt again, check the box before clicking OK. Setting your default Markups Layer prompt

The markups icon appears to the right of the default markup layer.Default Markups layer is assigned

The markups you add will appear on this layer of the document. You can change the markups layer by repeating the above process. Note that if you are going to use Studio Sessions and collaborate on this PDF, you may want to remove the default markup layer before uploading it.

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